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Sweet Facts

Sugaring is the superior form of hair removal for many reasons.  Let me give you a few…


  • Sugar paste is made of sugar, lemon juice and water.  Sugar is all natural and free of chemicals and resin. We never double-dip so it’s 100% sanitary.  

  • Sugar is much more gentle than any other form of hair removal.  Unlike wax, sugar cannot adhere to live skin cells.  Not only is this significantly less painful but it also eliminates inflammation and irritation both of which can leave you with a rash or heavily pigmented skin.  A lot of my clients have experienced lightening of their bikini and underarms by sugaring consistently instead of waxing or shaving.

  • The unique technique of sugaring consists of pulling the hair in the direction of natural hair growth.  This method pulls every hair from the root resulting in 1) less breakage which leads to significantly less ingrowns; 2) your hair takes longer to grow back because your follicle has to produce a whole new hair; and 3) this new hair has never been shaved or waxed so its thinner, finer and softer…my personal favorite part. Once that soft hair grows in you will never want to go back to the process of a coarse and itchy grow back!

  • Over time you will notice a depletion of hair growth.  This is because when we consistently pull the hair from the root it will eventually stop the follicle from producing a new hair.  

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